Meagan Made It, LLC. is ran by (you guessed it) Meagan!

Meagan has always had an interest in creating things with her hands; she was crocheting by the age of eight and sewing by the age of ten, primarily self-taught. Although still very young, she knew that expressing herself through handmade art/goods was most definitely one of her callings. Once she began to explore baking and homemade skincare, she took off and hasn't looked back since. With the constant support of her family (special shout out to her momma), she has grown her business to what it is today. She moves forward with her head high, knowing what she is capable of, and what she aspires her business to be.

Meagan claimed the business name, "Meagan Made It" around 2017, and made it an LLC in 2022.

The main goal that Meagan has is to provide others with excellent products made with thoughtfully sourced ingredients. She hopes to bring awareness to the products you are currently using, and to question the ingredients that you are putting in and on your body (specifically the ingredients that you cannot clearly read, or that make you think, "what even is that?"). 

By bringing outstanding, carefully handmade products to the table, Meagan hopes to bring in a stable income for her household while being a stay at home mom. Meagan has three children, and has been married since 2018 to an incredibly supportive and hard-working husband. It is the love she bears for her children and their future that keep her level-headed and determined to achieve her goals for her business. 

With that being said, thank you for your support through the business you send our way, as each and every order has such a blissful and direct impact to our family.

God bless you and yours.


Meagan Made It, LLC. 

(Meagan & Family)